Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Straight Jacket - End.

Straight Jacket
Jap. title: ストレイト・ジャケット

Ureshii Presents


regarde-toi, assise dans I'ombre
look at yourself, sitting in the shade,

à la lueur de nos mensonges,
In the light of our lies,

les mains glacées jusqu'à al'ongle.
Hands frozen to the nails.

Regarde-toi, à l'autre pôle,
Look at yourself, at the othe extreme,

fermer les yeuz sur ce qui anous range,
Closing your eyes to what is gnawing at us,

on a changé à la longue.
We have changed over time.

On a parcouru le chemin,
We have traveled the pathe,

on a souffert en silence.
We have suffered in silence.

Er je te hais de tout mon corps,
And i hate you with all my body,

mais je t'adore...
But I adore you...

On a parcouru le chemin,
We have travled the path,

on a tenu la distance.
We have gone the distance.

et je te hais de tout mon corps,
And I hate you with all my body,

mais je t'adore...
But I adore you...

On a parcouru le chemin,
We have travled the path,

on a souffert en silence.
We have suffered in silence.

Er je te hais de tout mon corps,
And i hate you with all my body,

mais je t'adore...ercore...
But I still adore you...



Straight Jacket Japan

T.O. Entertainment

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